Exhibitions in Studio "Mezzanin" – Heidi Webers Studio of interior design
Heidi Weber – great patron of Le Corbusier
Heidi Weber’s first exhibition, entitled “Le Corbusier: Paintings - Tapetries - Drawings - Lithos - Furniture”, took place from February to April, 1959. Between 1959 and 1963, Le Corbusier took several important decisions regarding his collaboration with Heidi Weber. In 1959, the first signed contract granted Heidi Weber the exclusive right to manufacture and to sell Le Corbusier's four original models for seated furniture in Europe and the United States. On June 4th, 1962, Le Corbusier drew up a contract. This contract granted Heidi Weber (personally, and for a period of thirty years) the exclusive right to buy his works directly from him as well as from the Le Corbusier Fondation which was being developed at that point; it also gave her the right to sell his paintings, drawings, sculptures, enamel pieces, gouaches and collages throughout the whole world.